Sunday, December 25, 2011

Anis Syaheerah 101

Perghhh ! ada account blog pon sama je macam tak de.. sebulan sekali baru nak update.. 
Ok semua, entry ni Anis nak cerita tentang Anis punya 2011.. secara ringkasnye, Anis punya 2011 tak ade lah sucks sangat.. ada happy ada sad.. normal lah kan.. that's life ! 
so, happy reading.. hehe

Firstly about football. Benda yang paling Anis horny ! LOLLLL ;D

 Team Malaysia  - semua orang tahu pencapaian Malaysia tahun ni.. sangat membanggakan.
2011 juga lah Anis nampak banyak default pictures facebook,twitter semua orang berjersey Malaysia..
India , Chinese semua support team Malaysia.. macam tu lah kita nak !! kalau korang nak tahu, korang nampak handsome and gorgeous ok berjersey Malaysia.. ikhlas ni puji lagi2 yang perempuan.. nampak hot ok.. rawrr~

 Liverpool  - I'm proud to say i'm Liverpool Fan ! cakap,keji,kutok, la apa pun.. Anis tetap sokong Liverpool.. Puji la team lain.. sikit pon tak goyang and tak akan menjadikan Anis fans team tersebut.. for your info future husband Anis mesti LFC and baby kiteorang pon LFC jugak.. nasib lah siapa2 yang sokong team lain tu kan.. padan la muke !! bwekkk !! eceyyyh ;-P

 Selangor  - Hope next season Selangor lebih maju..  Anis happy Amirul Hadi stay main untuk Selangor.. tapi Hardi Jaafar dah tukar team ohh.. its okay, thanks and good luck for him.. lagend !
Can't wait for Liga Super 2012.. Anis tak mau missed game Selangor kalau boleh nak pergi stadium every game Selangor.. hehehe jom la sape2 nak join I... :-D
info pasal Selangor FA 2012 DISINI

* pasal bola 3 team je la ok.. sebab 3 team ni je Anis care so much..
yang lain tu entry lain la pulak kan.. hehe

OK secondly about my social life..

 Ehemmm uhukk uhukk.. lately jarang hang out dengan lelaki every weekend.. lalalala
(jangan salah sangka pulak. Anis hangout macam lepak,makan, minum je . haiyaa)
Lain betol dah sekarang si Anis ni.. orang ajak keluar die selalu cakap 'malas'
dia cakap dia tak tahu kenapa.. kenapa eh agak-agak?? hahahahah :'>
Now spend time dengan cousin sister je.. best tau. Kami jadi lebih rapat , boleh bergosip and bercerita macam-macam.. i heart my cousins sister...

STUDY !! <333

Ermmmm... Ok je.. final exam haritu pon not bad..
cara study terbaru, record suara sendiri lepas tu dengar sampai hafal..
dulu just tulis nota , bace 7 kali (banyak2 kali actually hehhe).. sekarang tulis nota , bace , hafal , record suara, dengar sampai hafal.. :-/
work even harder ! never give up on studying to earn good $$$$ in the future.. muehehhee

 About my LOVE LIFE ! 

Nothing much..  i end up 2011 being single.. just like previous years..
Nobody try to change it.. i was going to end up alone . It was fated. BAHAHAHA
joke joke !!  maybe i don't allow and didn't give a chance to anybody to change it.. :)
2012 maybe... winkkkk ~


Thanks for reading.. BYE 2011.. lesson learnt !!
bring it on 2012.. i'm ready !
*excited lebih ni~

~ The 25/12/2011~
jumpe 1/1/2012 k.. if god wills.. malas nak update untuk tahun ni sebab malas on laptop.. :DD

 " 7 Rules to a better Life : 1.Never Hate 2. Live Simply. 3. Expect a Little. 4. Give a lot. 
5. Always Smile. 6. Live with Love. 7. Be With God ! " 

Monday, December 5, 2011


*tak tahu nak buat title ape -____-'

* AWAY...!

Do you ever get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy. But at the same time you don't know exactly what's wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. If you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. People have stopped being comforting and being alone never was. At least when you're alone no one will constantly ask you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who won't take 'I don't know' for an answer. You feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait.
Some people try to understand, but nobody can know what living like this is like.

babai~ pandai-pandai la cari Anis.................

Maybe one day it will be ok again. That's all I want.
 I don't care what it takes.
 I just want to be ok again..    :'(
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